Have been following the strikes on ContraInfo, apparently a derivative of IMC-Athens; they were running a live stream and have an excellent photo montage of the demonstrations. As far as more mainstream reporting goes, this report/interview on RT is particularly on the mark - embedded here to increase the chances you'll watch it. Notice how he sections off 'anarchist and provocatuers,' an understated reminder of how the state's demonstration propoganda works. Two statements are particularly worth quoting: 'They [the government] seem to be completely indifferent to this reality [situation's volatility]', and 'We’ve seen this before…. the IMF has come in and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation.' In essence, they are turning the populace into debt slaves for big banks and investors. If Papandreou loses control of the country, what are these invisible euro-moghuls going to do next, send in NATO? Blackwater (Xe)? i'd be willing to bet money that there are Greeks who would rather pack the Parthenon with C4 than see it become the private property of some unnamed Kuwaiti oil baron.... and that would be absolutely tragic, since robber barons come and go but there will only ever be one, irreplaceable Parthenon.
a single survivor of the fallen tower of babel steps out from beneath the rubble and immediately suffocates in the silence
30 June 2011
Nothing like slavery to make your currency stronger
Have been following the strikes on ContraInfo, apparently a derivative of IMC-Athens; they were running a live stream and have an excellent photo montage of the demonstrations. As far as more mainstream reporting goes, this report/interview on RT is particularly on the mark - embedded here to increase the chances you'll watch it. Notice how he sections off 'anarchist and provocatuers,' an understated reminder of how the state's demonstration propoganda works. Two statements are particularly worth quoting: 'They [the government] seem to be completely indifferent to this reality [situation's volatility]', and 'We’ve seen this before…. the IMF has come in and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation.' In essence, they are turning the populace into debt slaves for big banks and investors. If Papandreou loses control of the country, what are these invisible euro-moghuls going to do next, send in NATO? Blackwater (Xe)? i'd be willing to bet money that there are Greeks who would rather pack the Parthenon with C4 than see it become the private property of some unnamed Kuwaiti oil baron.... and that would be absolutely tragic, since robber barons come and go but there will only ever be one, irreplaceable Parthenon.
27 June 2011
Viva Grafitti!
Yes, i'm well aware governments and many individuals (especially business owners) consider it a form of vandalism and yes, i understand that, but... cities with too many blank walls are simply begging for flash commentary or premeditated (sketched or stenciled) designs - for COLOR at the very least. Compare the typical Baku graffiti site to this very non-gray work in Bangalore:
26 June 2011
For Pedants and Freedom Fighters Alike
Day later addendum: perspectives on Syrian intifada from the Lebanese left.
Alice Walker: The new face of terrorism
"We underscore that delivering or attempting or conspiring to deliver material support or other resources to or for the benefit of a designated foreign terrorist organization, such as Hamas, could violate U.S. civil and criminal statutes and could lead to fines and incarceration."Are we talking American Taliban here? Benedict Arnold? Luis Posada Cariles? No, we're talking about Alice Walker. Here's an extended interview she did with Electronic Intifada and a video clip in which she discusses her motivation for getting so involved in this effort. This is the same Alice Walker whose writing Michelle Obama publicly quotes, who was honored last year by the Congressional Black Causus and (talk about short memory syndrome) was herself selected by the Change We Can Believe In campaign to introduce then-candidate Obama at a large rally in San Francisco. Ah, how far the mighty have fallen and yes, Barak, i'm referring to you.
As a rule, i refrain from actually quoting racist, right wing speech because i just don't want to further empower those who use it. However, have to make an exception here and offer up this bit from an essay in ultra-AIPAC zionist publication Commentary Magazine (06/03/2011).
Whatever negative attention Israel receives, the main thing is to maintain the blockade, as it is what makes it difficult for Hamas to arm itself though the recent opening of the border between Egypt and Gaza may render the whole point moot. Nevertheless, there will always be haters of Israel, who will provide no shortage of useful-idiots like Walker to help further the aims of genocidal terrorist movements. That in itself is no small reason for the existence of the Jewish state: to provide the Jewish people with the necessary means of self-defense in the face of ineradicable hatred.Not going to waste my energy unravelling such absurd propaganda; i'm sure the contortion of reality comes through without translation. The AIPAC-ites are now calling these ships (which are already en route to Gaza) the Alice Walker Flotilla, so we can expect plenty more invective against her in the coming days. On the bright side, if they have to resort to calling someone as thoughtful as her a 'useful idiot' and quote Chairman Mao to justify their extreme and all-pervasive militarism, either we accept that the Israelis will one day rule over all of us, or celebrate the inevitable historical reality that their days as arrogant aggressors are definitely numbered. The great zionist project long ago surpassed the extent of sacrifice and destruction to which any radical movement should be entitled. It has evolved into the Sick Man of the Middle East - we all know how well that turned out.Drawing upon deep trends in Zionist thinking, there is some truth to this dismissal. Mao famously said that power comes from the end of a gun. The fate of the Zionist project has also long been and largely will be determined by the ability of Israel’s citizens to defend themselves physically.
25 June 2011
It's All There
23 June 2011
Confidence in what, exactly?
'The mood in financial markets was calm after the confidence vote, especially when compared to the firestorm last week when Papandreou's government was teetering on the brink following violent protests against the new austerity measures.'Good news - i will stop worrying about my own miniscule bank account succumbing to death by euro collapse. Whew! Thank you Mr. Sarkozy! Congratulations Frau Merkel! Unfortunately, this puts me at odds with a large number of Greeks, who probably share the sentiments of this engineering student: "It is completely unfair that the money of the poor is used to save the banks." Fairness? What's that got to do with banking and investor confidence? These ungrateful people should retire to their libraries and spend their copious free time (afforded them by strikes and unemployment) reciting Socrates to each other. 'Could I climb to the highest place in Athens, I would lift my voice and proclaim, "Fellow citizens, why do you turn and scrape every stone to gather wealth, and take so little care of your children to whom one day you must relinquish it all?"'
22 June 2011
Dismantling the Bil'in Wall
On Tuesday morning this week, army bulldozers began work to dismantle the Wall in Bil'in. As early as 2007, after two years of weekly protests in the village and following a petition filed by the residents, Israeli high court declared the path of the Barrier illegal. The court ruled that the route was not devised according to security standards, but rather for the purpose of settlement expansion. Despite the high court's ruling four more years of struggle had to elapse for the army to begin dismantlement. During these years two people were killed in the course of the weekly protests and many others injured.
21 June 2011
Things i would put my energy into if i didn't have to work for a living
What motivates people to find a way to do this kind of stuff in far-flung places they may never actually visit? A hungarian friend asked once why i cared so much about environmental justice and human rights, but all i could think of was to ask why she didn't care. Reminded me of my 'formative years' growing up in a small New England town, people constantly admonitioning me for being 'too political' and then laughing when our force-to-be-reckoned-with history teacher would stare me down after questioning the rectitude of zionism. Some of us are simply born with this condition? i mean, who knows where the motivation comes from? Sometimes i think if i were a better, smarter person, i would've figured out a way to make lots of money so i could spend the rest of my life doing this kind of work and not worry about affording to get my teeth cleaned. Bargain with the devil and never know where you'll end up. Could've been the proverbial 'there', but at least 'here' i'm still steering clear of mall town.
Groovy video from Borgen for all you hipsters -
20 June 2011
World Refugee Conundrums
World Refugee Day: an opportunity to look at photographic exhibitions of people forcibly displaced by violence and lament man's inhumanity to man, to read about those displaced by economic meltdowns or natural catastrophes and lament the unbridled power of disaster capitalists to profit from that misery. At this point in our planetary history, we can't keep expecting people to park themselves somewhere else, because there are no more empty spaces available. Sadly, the trend in European countries and many of their former colonies, e.g. Australia, the US, Canada, to (1) prevent more 'aliens' from entering, and (2) push out as many immigrants as possible, would indicate that SHARING is not high on the collective list of moral imperatives these days.
i firmly believe people have an innate right to live and slave away wherever our ambitions, daring and/or needs take us. Likewise, refugees' Right of Return should never be comprised in the interests of political expediency or profit margins. How we're supposed to balance those two often conflicting values is something i certainly don't have the answer for. i'm not even sure where exactly i belong, but hopefully the universe can still cough up the patience to let me figure that out in my waning years (a small house on an Andalucian hillside, not far from the sea sounds just about right). The questions Peter Eszterhazy (in an entirely different context) posed about space really resonated with me, but when we talk about refugees, they suddenly seem to create a serious conundrum. World Refugee Day. World Refuge Day. World Free Space Day. The potential overlap i sense between these concepts still eludes absolute clarity, but i'm sure it's there if we can just find the yellow brick road.
color de nube,
color de agua, de aire,
espacio negro para muchos sueños,
espacio blanco para toda la nieve,
para toda la música.
Atrás quedó el amor desesperado
que no tenía sitio para un beso,
hay lugar para todos en el bosque,
en la calle, en la casa,
hay sitio subterráneo y submarino,
qué placer es hallar por fin,
un planeta vacío,
grandes estrellas claras como el vodka
tan transparentes y deshabitadas,
y allí llegar con el primer teléfono
para que hablen más tarde tantos hombres
de sus enfermedades.
Lo importante es apenas divisarse,
gritar desde una dura cordillera
y ver en la otra punta
los pies de una mujer recién llegada.
Adelante, salgamos
del río sofocante
en que con otros peces navegamos
desde el alba a la noche migratoria
y ahora en este espacio descubierto
volemos a la pura soledad.
The Gaza Flotilla II
19 June 2011
John Sayles interview
Pop! goes the weasel
A penny for a needle.
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop! goes the weasel.
The reality was an enormous banking fraud, an orgy of insider dealing as bank managers lent the money to themselves, leaving an empty shell – and then saying that this was all how “free markets” operate. Running into debt was commended as the way to get rich.
The eruption started in Greece. One legacy of the colonels’ regime [ruling junta 1967-1974] was tax evasion by the rich. This led to budget deficits, and Wall Street banks helped the government conceal its public debt in “free enterprise” junk accounting. German and French creditors then made a fortune jacking up the interest rate that Greece had to pay for its increasing credit risk.
Germany's exposure to Greek debt, at 26.3 billion in government bonds and 10 billion in private loans, including to banks, is a little over half that of that of France, and has argued that private creditors bear more of the burden of resolving the solution.
As i wrote yesterday, there doesn't seem to be a huge difference between what's going on here and what went on in the US when subprime lending excesses collided with totally unregulated derivatives markets. As Henry Paulson, then-US Treasury Secretary, wrote at the time, ''[T]he purpose of the financial rescue legislation was to stabilize our financial system and to strengthen it. It is not a panacea for all our economic difficulties." In other words, save the bankers' asses and hope the little people will find ways to sort out their little individual problems, like holding onto their homes, jobs and life insurance policies. One can't help but ask, 'Who are the real cowards in this equation?'France, for it part, is owed €19 billion in government bonds and a full €42.1 billion in private loans. Three of its biggest banks this week saw their credit rating placed on review for a downgrade by Moody's as a result of this exposure.
The ECB [European Central Bank], for its part, is exposed to the tune of €40 billion in government bonds and €110 billion to Greek banks.
Writing in Al-Jazeera about public response to the current situation - 'Grassroot Politics Flourish in Greek Turmoil' - Hara Kouki and Antonia Vradis (presumably both Greek) report:
For the people gathered in Syntagma, the intense political manoeuvring in the corridors of parliament seems to matter little. Theirs is a mass mobilisation that draws a distinction between representational and grassroots politics. Political parties seem unlikely to come to a halt over developments in the upper echelons of power. For them, the Memorandum is not just a sum of persons or abhorrent policies, but a system of power that has misruled the country for 30 years, bringing it to the edge of collapse. It is a system of beliefs, values, expectations and political roles and identities that cannot be abolished simply by replacing the head or members of the government.
Politicians and corporate media pundits never seem to hesitate when it comes to telling working people that they need to tighten those belts, make sacrifices for the greater good, while they and their banking buddies jet around from one 5-star conference center to another. If these bankers are so worried about going broke, what are they hanging out in Davos for? Papandreou's political nemesis and newly appointed Finance Minister, Evangelos Venizelos, is quoted as saying "I am leaving defence today to go to the real war." Might i suggest that his first battle be dragging the PM to a local pawn shop and forcing him to trade in some of his non-essential trinkets, maybe a tailored 'Sunday best' or two (or three, four)? Toss in the Rolex, too... unlike bailouts, revolution is a timeless affair.
18 June 2011
Dance Kavkaz
Actually Lezginka is a national dance of many people from the Caucasus. It's name comes from the Lezgin people; nevertheless, Chechens, Lezghins, Ossetians, Circassians, Karachays, Balkars, Abkhazians, Kabardins, Ingush, Georgians, Ingilos, Azerbaijanis, Iranian Azerbaijan the Russian Kuban and Terek Cossacks and the various ethnicities of Dagestan have their own versions of Lezginka.
Another comment:
I'm sorry to disappoint all those thinking it's Dagestani dance, costumes and music. They were altered (for the worse) with significant Russified elements, which true Dagestani dance, constumes and music do NOT have. Dagestan has a very distinct from Russia culture. This "concert" was obvioulsy targeting some Russian Russians and foreigners liking/familiar with Russian culture. In sum, this circus is misrepresenting of truly Dagestani culture (dance constumes, music). What a circus!
(1) This is not sukashvili, I have most of sukashvili's DVDs. This is from Dagestan. Of course georgians as usual make every good thing that comes out of caucas look as if it was theirs. Sukashvili is an amazing ensemble too but this one for sure isn't sukashvili. Dagistanis do it well Georgians take the credit for.At this point, i don't know which dance truly and unadulteratedly represents which culture; even if i wanted to put the time in to sort out the differences in costumes (easiest) and associated music (doable but time-consuming), being able to distinguish dance styles, which many seem to believe have infinite overlap, is quite honestly beyond my terpsichorean capabilities. Originally planning to call this post 'Lesginka', i humbly bow to my own confusion, only able to say for sure that the following clips and links are from the Caucasus region.
(2) what? this is not Georgian dance? are you out of your mind? haha this is an outrage man somebody on the youtube must make policy and stop graud like this it is fuckin desgusting..... change the title (its real name is Parikaoba) or I am reporting this video and reporting your profile both
(3) This is not georgian dance. It is chechen lezginka. Shame on you!
This one has a great opening, with the knife dancing and is an 'official' dance company, so i want to trust that the cultural representation is accurate (trust is all i've got here, sorry). Check this out to seem some knife throwing.
Here we've got men in the sheepskin hats, filmed at a wedding, which captures a certain in situ atmosphere.
Lastly, i just love this frenetic video from southern Azerbaijan, which focuses a bit more on the musicians and is called Shalaxo.
In a couple weeks i'll have left this country, so trying my best to introduce my far flung readership to some of the more interesting and unique features of Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, i've hardly been able to get out of Baku (6 day work weeks have that effect) but i follow hints from people i meet as much as possible... this whole dance world sent my into a spin. Hope you enjoy!
17 June 2011
Trojan Debt
i had to laugh when i read that 'endemic tax evasion' is part of the structural problem in the Greek economy, since chronic corporate tax filings of $0 have been endemic in the US economy for decades. Still, the EU-conscious editors of The Independent warn that, 'Greece is heading for a level of debt – 160 per cent of its total annual output – that it cannot reasonably be expected to repay, and certainly not while its national growth prospects are so weak. Yet instead of working with European private banks to ease Greece's debt burden, the European Central Bank and the IMF are demanding that Athens repays in full, no matter the short-term impact on the Greek economy.' Whether or not Papandreou succeeds in forming a new coalition government, it seems clear to me that the only viable solution for Greece is not to completely restructure its REAL economy, rather to stop letting the derivatives market, et al. run rampant. The eurozone may not be happy with that (obviously not) but in the long run, an EU that prioritizes needs from the ground up - not the boardroom, down - will be better for everyone.
14 June 2011
What type of boss is bad for your heart?
08 June 2011
Ready, set, drink!
Demotix - 8 June 2011: A crowd calculated at 4717 gathered in Bekescsaba, Hungary in an attempt to set the world record for the most people drinking tap water in the same place at the same time.
Peakwater.org has a counter on their website for waterbourne disease deaths this year and the current number is approaching 1.6 million. According to UNICEF, over 450 million children lack access to safe drinking water, by which i assume they are not referring to Evian, Slavyanka, et al, but rather tap water delivered from local wells. An article about tugging icebergs to places like the Canary Islands to make up for freshwater shortages indicates the extent to which more extreme (aka insane) measures for supplying water to humans are being pursued. Campaigns to reduce bottled water consumption, ergo plastic waste, are spreading globally, but these will only work if tap water supplies are a viable substitute.
Since i left the US 10 years ago, i can think of only one restaurant/bar which was willing to give me a glass of water from the tap - a moderately upscale place in Krakow - i assure you, the request was treated with no small amount of wonder: not in a bottle? why on earth would someone ever prefer that? In Baku, i boil tap water only because i haven't found anyone else here who drinks it straight from the faucet; who knows for sure whether it would make me sick, some risks are simply not worth taking. i know people here who've installed filters on their taps, but they still buy bottled water for their refrigerated supply.
W.H. Auden wrote, 'Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.' My friend and teacher Corbin Harney never stopped reminding us that we all drink the same water, just as we all breathe the same air. Fresh, potable water supplies are both essential and increasingly fragile. It's good to celebrate them, even if the overt purpose is self-congratulatory :-) As much as some might like to posit otherwise, natural resources are really all about us humans now, so i say drink up and hope that in the next town or country you visit, you'll be able to do the same.
07 June 2011
The perfect 'exam as metaphor for life' experience
Sixth-formers have been left struggling with a second "impossible" question in this year's exams. Students sitting an AS-level business paper were faced with a question that did not include the information needed to give an answer...A great metaphor for life, which has no board of examiners to set things right. How many of us have tried and tried again to make something work which we eventually... painfully... reluctantly later admit was 'just not meant to be'? I can think of several personal relationships that would easily fall into this category, along with no small number of other undertakings which i was sure, at the time, were things i needed to be doing. Turns out there are some puzzles without solutions, some goals lacking all the requisite tools for success. Kudos to the UK educational system for trying to indoctrinate their students to believe otherwise, but in retrospect, the students may have ended up learning something much more important.
A business teacher from Leicestershire told BBC News online that there were concerns among students that they had wasted so much time trying to answer the question that they had not left enough time to finish the paper...
An AQA spokesman said: "We are very sorry about the error in the paper. However, we do have a robust process for ensuring that none of our students will be disadvantaged as a result our mistake."
06 June 2011
05 June 2011
Remembering Robert Kennedy
For the fortunate amongst us, the fourth danger, my friends, is comfort, the temptation to follow the easy and familiar paths of personal ambition and financial success so grandly spread before those who have the privilege of an education. But that is not the road history has marked out for us. There is a Chinese curse which says, "May he live in interesting times." Like it or not we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind. And everyone here will ultimately be judged, will ultimately judge himself, on the effort he has contributed to building a new world society and the extent to which his ideals and goals have shaped that effort.
Political radicals' and professional politicians' circles rarely, if ever overlap (Mandela being an obvious exception). i tend to discover my personal heros/heroines from among the former, but i'm willing to accept that dealing with a population scale of billions, politicians who are real leaders are what we still need to hope for, especially from the perspective of global climate and resource management. RFK was most certainly one of them, my inner anarchist has no problem acknowledging this.
He is also quoted as having said, "What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists, is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.' Lately, i've found myself trying to convey this exact message to those Muslim students and acquaintances who passionately want to convert me to their belief system, though my own words are much less eloquent ('i respect your right to believe whatever you want, and i hope one day you'll understand this is much more important than respecting your specific beliefs'). i strive to live on the right side of the tolerance/intolerance equation - not always so easy, given my feminist framework - we would all be better off if the more rigidly indoctrinated among us attempted to do the same. RFK stood by his allies and empowered people to tap deeper into their humanity. How many people were killed by electronically controlled drones today? Whatever the number, it's good cause for remembering Bobby Kennedy.
What i won't be seeing in Turkey next month
04 June 2011
Sepals to Salvation: Springtime in Baku
En mayo-junio del año 1993, cuando en relación a la agudización extrema del crisis de gobierno, en el país surgió un peligro del comienzo de la guerra civil y la pérdida de la independencia, el pueblo azerbayáno se levantó y exigió de subir a Heydar Aliyev al poder. Los dirigentes de entonces se vieron obligados a invitar oficialmente a Heydar Aliyev a Bakú. El 15 de junio del año 1993 Heydar Aliyev fue elegido el presidente del Soviet Supremo de Azerbayán.
Patriotism is an inner feeling of the person. If he is missing that, he is immoral.
To make a hero of the thief and bribe taker is to betray the country.
Great intellect is not common. A scientist, a poet, a composer, an artist, a writer, an actor - all these are rare, gifted people.
One cannot relate great policy to tiny senses and little profits.
To conduct peace negotiations from a firm base one must possess a strong army.
It is necessary that the history should be accepted as it is in reality, realized and valued.
If leaders oppress a people with a great national spirit, this is the greatest tragedy for a nation.
Last month, the country combined celebration of its Flower Holiday with that of the Aliyev's birthday on 10 May (he died in 2003). The week of creative floral works was kicked off by the national oil company, SOCAR, providing a day of cultural activities and performances in one park (caught off guard, i had to resort to poor resolution phone camera), while major floral art was being prepared over the course of the week in another (Heydar Aliyev Park, naturally) for the big presidential commemoration on May 10. Here are a few photos. The flower sculptures are really lovely - so lovely, in fact, that they were protected by a small army of police and the line to gain entry into the park was longer than i was ever able to stand in it. Still, scouting round the periphery fencing was worth it. i'm told that on 15 June there will be a grand military parade, so i'll try to do better next week, though rifles and RPGs are not nearly as attractive as butterflies and fairytale characters.
Let's get our war criminals straight
03 June 2011
All that remains of her is a garlic press
02 June 2011
The joy of being a pedant
Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography - Language from Matthew Rogers on Vimeo.
Damming the Xingu: More electricity no matter what the cost
Well, the peoples in the Amazon basin have been fighting this project for years, and it's fair to assume this decision will push them to apply more aggressive tactics to protect the environmental integrity of their territory. It will be like the Niger Delta rebellion against big oil, with the native people are labeled as terrorists and the government cohorts with big industry to fight them. The projected population displacement from Belo Monte is 16,000, but if experience with other dams of this scale has taught us anything, it's that the initial forced removal numbers can be as low as 25% of the final head count. Three Gorges is a prime example of this trickery. In 1998, the project was going to require relocation of 1.2 million people; in 2007, the number was 4 million. The Narmada Project in India works under similar lies (or illusions? you decide).
01 June 2011
Lost in Transliteration
Van Buren lost [the election], the word stuck, in part because it filled a need for a quick way to write an approval on a document, bill, etc. The noun is first attested 1841; the verb 1888. Spelled out as okeh, 1919, by Woodrow Wilson, on assumption that it represented Choctaw okeh "it is so" (a theory which lacks historical documentation); this was ousted quickly by okay after the appearance of that form in 1929. Okey-doke is student slang first attested 1932.
"O.K." (aka "okay") originated with US President Teddy Roosevelt, when his staff would inquire to him "How's everything today?", he would reply "Just like at Old Kinderhook." Old Kinderhook was a camp that he had attended during his childhood with great memories. [ed. Both Van Buren and Roosevelt came from the same area in New York State.]
According to wikipedia, the Old German is Wilhelm and Old Norse, Vilhjálmr, bringing us as close to the Azeri spelling as Anglo-Norman Williame, but for someone who wrote with the sharpest of pens, this transliteration of Shakespeare strikes me as - i don't know, silly, i guess. Way too far afield. However, the thing about proper names is that if you want people to say them more or less correctly in their own language, you've got to make allowances for extremely different letterings. Sekspir. Fair enough.... whatever.
For me, this is something of a double whammy: i've always thought it absurd to use a machine maker's name for the thing the machine produces and now i've got to use the name with a spelling that has no relation to it, whatsoever. The orthography here is totally screwing with the etymology and i just don't like it, not one bit.
There's an Australian aboriginal character in one of Herzog's films who confesses that the reason he stopped speaking was because the slow genocide of his tribe left him with no one who spoke his language. Honestly, there are moments when i feel that way, a slow descent into a globalized transliteratory and mis-translational hell. In Hungary, hello is now part of the everyday language, which sounds graciously anglophilic until you realize they use it at the end of a conversation, not the beginning. i'll never get used to that, anymore than i will looking for a place to kseroks some documents. i'm all for diversity and mashing things up, world music and intergallactic web servers, etc. etc. but the words still have to mean something! Otherwise, our thoughts become temporally exclusive and watered down across cultural boundaries to the point where we're all negating our identities in order to communicate basically nothing. What would Homer say? Okay? OK? Okeh?