"We underscore that delivering or attempting or conspiring to deliver material support or other resources to or for the benefit of a designated foreign terrorist organization, such as Hamas, could violate U.S. civil and criminal statutes and could lead to fines and incarceration."Are we talking American Taliban here? Benedict Arnold? Luis Posada Cariles? No, we're talking about Alice Walker. Here's an extended interview she did with Electronic Intifada and a video clip in which she discusses her motivation for getting so involved in this effort. This is the same Alice Walker whose writing Michelle Obama publicly quotes, who was honored last year by the Congressional Black Causus and (talk about short memory syndrome) was herself selected by the Change We Can Believe In campaign to introduce then-candidate Obama at a large rally in San Francisco. Ah, how far the mighty have fallen and yes, Barak, i'm referring to you.
As a rule, i refrain from actually quoting racist, right wing speech because i just don't want to further empower those who use it. However, have to make an exception here and offer up this bit from an essay in ultra-AIPAC zionist publication Commentary Magazine (06/03/2011).
Whatever negative attention Israel receives, the main thing is to maintain the blockade, as it is what makes it difficult for Hamas to arm itself though the recent opening of the border between Egypt and Gaza may render the whole point moot. Nevertheless, there will always be haters of Israel, who will provide no shortage of useful-idiots like Walker to help further the aims of genocidal terrorist movements. That in itself is no small reason for the existence of the Jewish state: to provide the Jewish people with the necessary means of self-defense in the face of ineradicable hatred.Not going to waste my energy unravelling such absurd propaganda; i'm sure the contortion of reality comes through without translation. The AIPAC-ites are now calling these ships (which are already en route to Gaza) the Alice Walker Flotilla, so we can expect plenty more invective against her in the coming days. On the bright side, if they have to resort to calling someone as thoughtful as her a 'useful idiot' and quote Chairman Mao to justify their extreme and all-pervasive militarism, either we accept that the Israelis will one day rule over all of us, or celebrate the inevitable historical reality that their days as arrogant aggressors are definitely numbered. The great zionist project long ago surpassed the extent of sacrifice and destruction to which any radical movement should be entitled. It has evolved into the Sick Man of the Middle East - we all know how well that turned out.Drawing upon deep trends in Zionist thinking, there is some truth to this dismissal. Mao famously said that power comes from the end of a gun. The fate of the Zionist project has also long been and largely will be determined by the ability of Israel’s citizens to defend themselves physically.
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