03 July 2008

Not knowing what else i can do to ameliorate the horror still unfolding in Zimbabwe, i'm continuing to remind myself of it here. This interview with one of Mugabe/Zanu's newly 'recruited' foot soldiers opens another window into the surrealism of it all (if you come across a copy of The Crystal World by J. G. Ballard, now might be a good time to read it). The whole country has been given over to the president's war of genocide against his own country's population. i found it truly incomprehensible that an old man would be choosing this legacy - has anyone checked recently to see if Mugabe's been channeling Mabuto Sese Seko in his dreams? All respect due to Tsavangiri for rejecting the power sharing proposal of the African Union. A unity government under these circumstances? They sure pulled that idea out of their asses...

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