03 July 2008

Does John McCain really have a private jet with Straight Talk Express stenciled on it? That is just soooo John Wayne of him. The in-flight DVDs have got to include all of Reagan's films, along with Cindy McCain's fave, Basic Instinct.... From what i've seen of Col. McC's speeches, even he seems to recognize that he is NOT what's happenin' in this election. i've actually just checked out his website, and the main page graphic asks people to send in their opinion on OBAMA'S record. This certainly tells us a lot about the state of affairs in the Republican Party, using hate for the enemy as their great rallying point in a "we love america" platform. Then i opened the multimedia page and here's the title of the current autorun video: Barack Obama is Dr. No. i kid you not. Check it out. The whole ad is Obama flashing through James Bond backgrounds with slogans such as "NO to Nuclear Energy" popping up in parallel motion. Wonderfully dramatic, a great little fist bump for Barack, who is sure to create a strong, serious impression. It definitely presents him as consistent and steadfast. The colonel's level of discourse is so similar to W's - patronizing to the core - it's hard to believe anyone could take his candidacy seriously and i think this particular attack ad basically proves no one does. Little of substance, a view of the world that's somehow fantastical, completely out of touch with the rest of our realities. Another website feature is the game Pork Invaders, which you can play "to help John McCain in his fight against wasteful government spending." i'm not making that up. My final stop had to be the Eco-Store, perusing the golfing shirts. Here is what makes these PR items eco: little hand-embroidered recycling logos on them, right above the C in the candidate's name. That's pathetic. Straight Talk??? Only zombies would buy these things, so i guess that's who he's talking to.

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