Al-Aqaba is a very small village in the Jordan Valley, southeast of Jenin, that, from 1967 until 2003 served as military training grounds for the Israeli Army. Israeli soldiers used to conduct their trainings using the villagers (for example, practicing detaining people, invading homes in the middle of the night, etc.) In 2002, the Village of Aqaba won an important legal victory, obtaining an Israeli Supreme Court decision calling on the Israeli military to close its training grounds in Al-Aqaba. In June of 2003, the army finally pulled back and some villagers, who had previously left the village because of the unbearable living situation (since 1967, al-Aqaba's population decreased by 85%, dropping from around 2000 individuals to approximately 300), started coming back. With the help of international supporters, the village built a kindergarten (130 kindergarteners and 70 elementary school students currently attend school there) and other structures, including a small sewing factory to employ local village women. Now the Israeli government seeks to destroy this village, issuing demolition orders for 35 structures, including the kindergarten, sewing factory, the mosque, medical center, and homes built by returning villagers, claiming that they were built illegally.
For all the Clinton supporters out there who might possibly read this, and i suppose the Obama fans as well, this is precisely the kind of act on the part of an occupier that drives people to extremes. Coincidentally, i want to note that this is likely the same mosque an israeli soldier committed suicide in a year or so ago: the demoralized foot soldier also depleted of dignity, hope. i lived not far from al-Aqaaba for two years, and know well that the majority of its inhabitants are farmers or have small businesses. What purpose do these demolitions serve? i'll ask it again: what is the purpose??? Either the democratic candidates do not understand what Israel is doing - and thus, they continue to support it unconditionally - or they understand well and are comfortable with the program. Remember back when Bill and Hillary carried on about Hope and hope? Welcome to Palestine, where we deal with the illogical and immoral counterpoint to hope as either physical or theosophical concept.
A or B? Imagine that you were going to change the world. Which image would you choose to illustrate your vision?
Picture A ................................................................... Picture B
A or B? Imagine that you were going to change the world. Which image would you choose to illustrate your vision?
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