22 April 2008

Earth Day Critical Mass

A few photos from Sunday's Critical Mass ride in Budapest. No telling how many thousands of people participated... they were still pouring up Andrassy into the park when i left, so i'm guessing around 50.000. The message, as they say, is in the medium. In the bridge span shot , you can see (a little) that the entire bridge is full of bikers, as was the bridge that i was on when taking the photo. Lots of kids, lots of rollerbladers and a respectable contingent of unicyclists. At the appointed time - even though so many were still on their way in or hadn't even reached the park - the traditional 'wheels in the air' group hug. Nice event, too bad it doesn't happen every month. As one rider explained to me, 'then it wouldn't be as big,' which in magyar terms i suppose means not as significant (somehow) although coming from the city where the critical mass movement originated, i tend to think otherwise. In case your wondering why so many people were dressed in green, the British Council had an Earth Day event in the park that afternoon and were giving out t-shirts.... what i really wanted was a Critical Mass shirt, evidently you have to be a traffic cop or just a really kool guy to get one of those.

Revised data: Just read in a newspaper the official count was 80.000 - wow! Hopefully this will lead to more bike lanes in the city :-)

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