14 June 2009

Black Block emerges in streets of Tehran

Here's an excellent link for photos of the street action in Tehran, which is apparently still going in full force. What's happening is nothing short of historic and in many ways reminiscent of the protests to support Mossadeq in 1953. But now there are hiphop grrls and Gold's Gym regulars who've gone ninja -

The situation suggests that autocracy may be nearing the end of its course in Iran, which would be nothing short of amazing to have occur at this time. Iranian society liberalizes, while Israel implodes with hatred. One more photo, which really speaks to me, as i'm sure it will to many of the people who read this. Don't you remember that sense of empowerment when we were young and our hearts were open books, sitting in the road in front of a serious police force? These girls are never going back to what was before.

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