02 April 2009

i totally called it

This evening's update from The Independent:
Police were forced to use dogs, horses and truncheons to control a crowd of up to 5,000 people who marched on the Bank of England, in Threadneedle Street, on the eve of the London summit...

The rioters then went on the rampage within the bank, which was at the centre of a row over the £700,000-per-year pension of Sir Fred Goodwin, its former chief executive. Telephone lines were ripped out, office furniture wrecked, windows smashed and graffiti daubed on both the inside and outside. A blue office chair was used to smash up one of the blacked-out branch windows, while another chair was thrown out of the window...

A Met Police spokesman said: "There have been a number of missiles thrown at officers and a number of surges at the police cordons, and increasing levels of violence towards police.
Elsewhere in the city, papparazzi were chasing the Obamas and succeeded in catching a sleeveless Michelle Obama on her way into dinner. The savior of the free world gave the Queen an iPod, a subtle way of encouraging her to tune out even more than she probably already does. i read recently that the royals are forbidden by a 350+ year old law of marrying catholics. Interesting. No wonder the IRA refuses to completely disband. But we take note that they were not leading any of the marches in London.

And a quick report on the climate action folks' encampment at the Carbon Exchange:
15:20 - Climate Camp: Still going Strong, over 2000 people and 150 tents, described as a hugely impressive infrastructure. There are theatre performances, compost toilets, a medical tent, a couple of working kitchens, with many people picnicing there. The camp has been attracting passers by and city workers. There are police lines on either side of the camp but people are allowed in and out. Plenty of dancing and banners across the street.

19:15 - Climate Camp: Police have attacked on the South Side of the camp, indiscriminately beating people who are holding their hands up. Police cliam it is to contain the camp as many parts of the city are out of control.

20:42 - Climate Camp: There is now a sit down protest in front of the police vans and lines blocking traffic on Wormwood St being held in solidarity with the climate campers currently trapped by police. Still a party atmosphere with lots of music within the climate camp kettle

22:20 - Climate Camp: Up to a thousand people remain inside the besiged camp. The police have said that they will allow people to leave, but will take names and addresses of everyone who does so. There's been a camp meeting but no consensus has been reached on what to do. Generally there is still a positive atmosphere amonst the peaceful demonstrators.
It seems the only disappointment in my fantasy day was that Starbucks didn't amp up their drinks list. Complete satisfaction derailed yet again.

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