06 February 2009

Hungarians and expats alike joke about the little language glossaries found in the back of tourist guides, which invariable contain inquiries like 'Can i have your phone number?' 'Do you have any condoms?' and 'How much does a room cost per hour?' Indeed, the reputation of hungarian girls as aspiring porn queens is well-established throughout Europe and beyond; i've had more than a few escapees from the Iraq war zone comment that the best thing about this country are its uninhibited females (yes, definitely paraphrasing). i also hear over and over how low salaries are for public employees and especially teachers, probably because, being a teacher myself, i tend to meet people involved in education. Put these two things together and it's hardly a surpise to discover that teachers are advertising their sexual talents on the internet. Is this a scandal? Should teachers be fired for using sex to augments their measley incomes? It may be tasteless, but as long as it's not illegal... if schools start patrolling the internet in search of naked educators, how far away are we from seeing them fired for being gay or recreational drug users or whatever else doesn't fit the prevailing social norms?

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