17 December 2008

i stand corrected

In a recent post, i wrote that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the US $3 trillion. This number was based on an analysis done by Joseph Stiglitz last year, but is apparently incorrect (or may be correct, depending on the line items Stiglitz used in his calculations; for example, medical treatment for veterans). According to an article today on The Raw Story, which also cites Stiglitz' study, a report from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments states that the US will have spent nearly $2 trillion on military operations including Iraq and Afghanistan over the next decade. The difference is obviously substantial, although one has to admit that $2 trillion is still a lot of money to spend on a global endeavour which has succeeded in accomplishing very little in the way of security, peace and those other lofty goals the W Dick junta claimed they were on top of, though in fact they were just scraping the bottom of the 'evil is as evil does' barrel of misguided policy.

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