Nothing quite like waking up on a sunny day stretching the muscles savoring the espresso checking out the headlines and immediately wanting to barf. This morning's Guardian has a group of stories covering W's current and final trip to the EU, including Bush voices regret for macho rhetoric in run-up to Iraq war. What the hell? i thought this was the guy who never looks back and knows not the meaning of regret. After 8 years of totally arrogant warmongering, he actually has the nerve to say, "I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric." It seems to me that war criminals who order foreign military invasions as expressions of their unbridled, pathological greed don't have a whole lot of rhetorical options. i mean, isn't that part of the pathology? i recall that at least one psychologist who analyzed W's speech habits concluded The Decider was most self-assured when spewing out threats and accusations. Quoting the Guardian story again: "The phrases he used to win support for the war such as 'bring 'em on' and 'dead or alive' he said, 'indicated to people that I was, you know, not a man of peace.'" Yeah, right George. You're a man of peace like Henry Kissinger was a great diplomat.
What's more accurate is that both of you are among the greatest liars of all time. "'One of the untold stories of Iraq is that we explored the diplomacy a lot,' he said. 'We all wanted to solve this 'disclose, disarm, or face serious consequences' in a diplomatic fashion. After all, I went to the United Nations security council.'" i believe this is an untold story because it never actually occurred. Yeah, you brought your rhetoric to the UN, and every statement you and your lackies made to the wire-tapped Security Council is known to have been totally fabricated in the interests of a corrupt agenda. It's amazing that he still doesn't get it, no? W is a totally lame phuck who's been totally unmasked, truly the emperor oblivious to his own ugly nakedness.
Regarding his replacement, "It's going to be important for the American people to figure out who can handle the task of the 21st century.....It's a challenging job. It requires tough decision making, clear thought, and an experience level." Yes, that's what he said: an experience level. i suppose someone whose most noteworthy experiences were signing execution orders, running businesses into the ground and doing blow in daddy's White House wouldn't be overly anxious to get any more specific regarding what the level should be. Anyone who gets up and goes to work every day has an experience level, for god's sake. Yet for George, it's an irrelevant question: men of faith don't need any experience, God the great equalizer will just tell them what to do whenever there's a fork in the road. Sorry Georgie Porgie, i'm an atheist and have higher expectations of potential employees, a paradigm of the presidency far beyond your lexical experience so i won't bother elaborating. It's tempting to say, "Go back to Crawford and stay there," but then i would be lying, because where you really belong is in a dark, dank prison cell in the Iraqi desert, begging for water.
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