24 June 2008

History to Beat the Heat

Afternoon heat brings lethargy while the night's warm, still air impedes deep sleep of any length. BUT i'm not so lethargic that i can't find the energy to turn you on to this very imaginative and historically intriguing new website: The Lazarus Project. It's a project of the Balkan writer, Aleksandar Hemon, and photographer, Velibor Bozovic, and uses an innovative approach to chronicling the story told in Hemon's newest book of the same biblical name. If you're interested in early 20th century american anarchism and how East European immigrants to the US were systematically treated as potential anarchist threats (sounds all too familiar, no?) then this photographic journey mirroring the tale in the novel will be of particular interest. Alternately, if you just like good photo essay work, the site does not disappoint. Hemon's writing is beautiful, contemplative... the story jumps the sea to Bosnia and Ukraine, offering very provocative insights into this part of the world and the experience of war.... and survival. Highly recommended!

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