hello hola bonjour szia ahoj mar7aba ciao
this is my first entry and virtually purposeless. actually, it's a test to see how the blog looks with something actually written on it. well, if you want to know the real truth, it's a test to see if i remember how to form a coherent sentence and am really going to be comfortable sending my garbled consciousness out there into virtualville, where any jerk or government spy (is a distinction possible?) has the option of quoting me on something.
you can see right off the bat that i'm neither the brightest light nor the craftiest writer you'll come across here in the blogosphere, but maybe i'll get better and the wattage will go up as the experiment progresses. it's been a really long time since i've kept any kind of journal. storytelling has never been my forte, but i've rarely refrained from jumping in when it comes to commenting on other people's stories... it's said that the world now is becoming divided between those who are creating vis a vis the internet, and those who are merely voyeurs on the great cyber highway that's supposedly going to save humanity's soul. or something like that. (all cyber-humanist philosophy seems increasingly like just another marketing scheme, but who am i to judge?) the point here is that a lot of blogs are purely reactive and a lot are purely creative, and i suppose that this one is going to blend the two.
check out my friend Mike's virtualvisitinghours. he's waiting for surgery to have a brain tumor removed and writes candidly and comically about his prague hospital coffee quests, having his brain invaded by foreign objects and other such non-nihilistic themes. we love Mike and hope he gets this whole illness behind him soon!
if you have a website, send me the link and i'll list it.
ok, let's see how it looks.....
click on preview....
seems ok....
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