17 February 2008

Finkelstein + Addendum re Gaza

For those interested in all things anti-colonial, here's an recent interview with Norman Finkelstein. My favorite comment from the exchange:
It [Israel] is more than a rogue state. It is a lunatic state.
Indeed. A great thing about Dr. Finkelstein is that he's an expert in conciseness.... It's good to know that such a critical expert does see a just way out of the morass and i look forward to reading his next book.

Addendum: If you read the piece of a couple days ago about Gaza and thought my animal analogy was inappropriate, well, consider this description from an article in current MERIP by Darryl Li:
Israel now treats the territory less like an internment camp and more like an animal pen: a space of near total confinement whose wardens are concerned primarily with keeping those inside alive and tame, with some degree of mild concern as to the opinions of neighbors and other outsiders.
You can read the full article here. i'm not going to turn my blog into another Palestine-focused rant center, but i can't ignore what's going on there, either. And neither should you.

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